His research and consulting focuses on conflict studies and international negotiations at bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral levels in the field of trade (WTO), employment and poverty reduction (ILO, PRSP), and Human and Social Capital development in the educational sector (GATS/ES/WTO and OECD). A recent research project he did for the Swiss National Science Foundation focused on mediation as a means to solve environmental conflicts in the alpine region. His current research for the SNF is on inter-ministerial coordination for trade policy making in Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan.
He has pioneered the field of business diplomacy and contributes to the study of multi-stakeholder diplomacy within the field of diplomacy.
He is a reviewer of the Journal of Applied Behaviour (JABS) and the Journal of Managerial Psychology, and a member of the international advisory board of the Hague Journal of Diplomacy.