Inputs made by Prof. Raymond Saner at the Trade Investment and Climate Change (TRI-CC): Searching for Progress in Key Areas on 13 October, 2011, Geneva, WHO Headquarters. This one-day event covered new research and thinking on green industrial policy, competitiveness and leakage, and the potential role of the trade community.
CSEND-CUTS Book Vernissage 19th July 2010, WTO, Geneva “Inter-ministerial Coordination and Stakeholder Consultation of Trade Policy Making
This joint panel between CSEND and CUTS offers key insights into how countries can improve their trade policy governance. Both are research and development NGOs and have conducted research, capacity building and networking projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The two organisations will present findings of their recent research on trade policy making processes and role of relevant stakeholders. They will also offer solution sets to participants interested in how trade policy governance can be organised in a more efficient, inclusive and effective manner.
CSEND has organized an international conference on the Food Crisis together with the group of the Least Developed Country members of the WTO. The title of the conference was“ WTO Rules and Food Crisis in the Least Developed Countries” . The conference took place on 17th July at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva. The working programme including presentations and related documents are available here.”
Place: Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Programme click here