Public Administration
Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu discuss a large system transformation project they designed and implemented in Slovenia at the start of its independence in the early 1990s. Post-mortem insights are useful for practitioners who embark on similarly broad transformation processes. Design issues are discussed such as structuring the pre-contracting phase to guarantee inclusive stakeholder representation and participation throughout the transformation process and how intervention design needs to allow for experimentation and multi-stakeholder alliance building. Application of action research and action learning in a risk-averse environment typical of central governments helped create a sense of ownership, control, and collective accountability in the partner country.
Yiu, L., Saner, R.; "Lessons Learnt from Implementing A Large System Development Project in China", presentation made at 1998 International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco. CSEND Working Paper. 1998.
Les revendications envers un service public avec un fonctionnement davantage orienté sur l'action, l'efficacité et la réduction des coúts ne se sont pas apaisées au cours de ces dernières années.
Les modifications de l'environnement économique, les exigences accrues de la clientèle, la raréfaction des ressources, l'amélioration des connaissances et les nouvelles technologies constituent autant de nouvelles condition-cadres pour le service public ...
Countries suffering from high transactions costs are often victims of administrative inefficiencies and policy ineffectiveness at central governmental level. The objective of this article is to describe such inefficiencies and ineffectiveness as they presented themselves after Slovenia reached independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991. In particular, the author describes the multiple causes of inefficient administrative and ineffective policies as they presented themselves in the subsequent period of gradual administrative modernization during the years of 1993-1996.
Raymond Saner, Lichia Yiu and Philippe Lévy (1999) “Reforma della pubblica amministrazione e qualità: l’esperienza della Svizzera” (Quality Assurance and Public Administrative Reform: New Developments in Switzerland ”.
Azienda Publica, pp 583-595, Italy.
Public administrations in all parts of the world are faced with multiple pressures to innovate and improve effectiveness and efficiency. Reforms range from New Public Administration (NPM) to other forms of reorganizations like ‘‘gestion publique par contrats’’ (France, Belgium) resulting in various forms of New Public Administrations (NPA).