
Research Report on Employee Turnover Survey in India. A joint study of Confederation of Indian Industries and Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development. Lichia Yiu and Raymond Saner, 2008. Author: Saner, R., Yiu, L.


There has been an upsurge of publications based on Hermann Witkin’s ground breaking work on cognitive styles and human perception differentiated into field dependent and field independent styles (Winerman, 2006, Nisbett et all, 2005, Nisbett, 2003). This paper builds on current and past research of Witkin et al., and applies his concepts to the study of global managers and OD practitioners. The goal is to describe core aspects of culture related challenges which global mangers and OD practitioners have to overcome, and ends with proposing future research on possibilities of training global managers and OD practitioners in order to develop Integrated Perceptual-Cognitive Ability (IPCA). Such an IPCA competence would allow them to master both field-dependent and field-independent perceptual-cognitive skills.

Yiu, L.; Cultural Variance of Reflection in Action Learning, August 2006 Attach article.

Saner, R. 2004. Diversity Management: eine kulturantropologische Perspektive. AGOGIK, 4: 25-31.

20090918-icon1Original title in German "Diversity management: eine kulturantropologische Perspektive". Agogik. Bern: April 2004. Author: Saner, R.


Environmental sustainability has emerged as an imperative issue in Northeast Asia demanding urgent attention at the national and international level. Rapid industrialisation in the region has resulted in large-scale pollution, resource depletion, and loss of bio-diversity.

Saner, R., Yiu, L., Yong J.; “Stakeholder Analysis of Trans-Border Regional Cooperation on Environmental Protection in Northeast Asia”. Social Strategies, Vol. 36, Weiss & Zanegger (editors), Peter Lang AG, Berne 2002
Author: Saner, R., Yiu, L., Yong J.

Yiu, L., Saner, R.; “Building Internal Capacities for Change in China: Action Learning in the Public and Private Sectors”. Action Learning worldwide- Experiences of leadership and organizational development .
Boshyk (Editor), pp. 293-310. Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2002.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.;"Determining the Impact of Cognitive Styles on the Effectiveness of Global Managers: Propositions for Further Research". Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 11(3), 2000.

Yiu, L., Parker, J., Saner, R.; “Best Practice: Tri-Continental (Europe, North-America, Asia) ODL Programme of 3M Corporation´s Asia-Pacific Research Laboratories”. The Lisbon 2000 European Conference “ODL Networking for Quality Training”, June, 2000.

Parker, J., Yiu, L.; “A Case Example of a Technology-Supported Laboratory Management Development Program”. Compedium on Uses of Distance Learning Technologies in Engineering Education”, 2nd Edition, January, 2000.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “Co-operation between Central/Eastern European Countries and Western Countries in the Field of Training and Consultancy for Administrative Reforms”. 24th International Congress of Administrative Sciences. International Institute of Administrative Sciences. Bruxelles, 1999.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.; "Management Education without Boundaries". Management Education and Development Division Newsletter. Academy of Management MED Division, November, 1999.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.;"Coping with Labour Turnover in Taiwanese Companies, Province of China". American Asian Review, Vol. 11 (1), Spring 1993.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.;“Jing Li Chu Gao-Tsu Oh Quan Li Tse Sheng Tse Tao’t ("Exporting Managers Wining Strategies for Taiwanese (Taiwan, Province of China) Province of China Managers in Europe"). Management Magazine, Chinese Taipei, Vol. 184, October, 1989.

Saner, R., & Yiu, L. 1988. Technological Dependence from Foreign Countries is Dangerous Active Licence Strategy - A Pattern for Switzerland? The Japanese Journal of Strategic Management, 13 (1): 25 -27.