Quality Assurance

Saner, R. Ensuring efficacy and efficiency of training investment based on ISO 10015 Quality Assurance. In The role of training in the implementation of the policy of sustainable spatial development in Europe. European spatial planning and landscape. No. 76, March 2005. pp 39-45

Saner, R., & Yiu, L.,: ISO 10015: A Strategic Instrument in Human Capital Development, 2004.

In "Sound Governance: Policy and Administrative Innovations", 2004. Farazmand A. (ed.). Praeger.

Articles References


This article includes several country reports on the use – or lack of it – made of ISO 10015, Quality management – Guidelines for training. It is not restricted to description alone, since the principal author argues against “ the party line ” which defends generic standards and advocates a sector-specific approach to training quality standards without which, he maintains, the customer may no longer shop at ISO.

Saner, R. "Quality Management in training , generic or sector specific?". (in German, French, Spanish), ISO Management Systems. Vol 2(4), 2002.

“Qualitätsmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung”. Saner, R (co-author and initiator of new Quality Guideline); Beuth Verlag GmbH, Zurich, 2002.

Brehm, K., Saner, R.;"Deutsches Stiefkind ISO 10015". Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit, 47 Jahrgang, Feb, 2002.

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