20071015-seconddialogueForumSecond edition of CSEND Dialogue Forum on the topic of "The Arts as Inspiration for Innovative Social Change" presented by Prof. Pierre Guillet de Monthoux on the 15th of October 2007, University of Geneva, Uni Mail.

Place: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

20070913-FirstDialogueForumAnnouncing the first CSEND Dialogue Forum on the topic of "Social entrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihood for the Poor" with a case example from Maya Organic in India. 13 Septembre 2007

Place: Uni Mail, University of Geneva, Room 1130

Benchmarking conference on "Best Management Practices of In-Service Training Functions" for Swiss and Chinese officials, and executives of state-owned Chinese enterprises, Geneva, 1996.

Place: Geneva

Since 1997, CSEND is also responsible for one of the research networks of SASE, "Development, Social Change and Governance", and organised panels for the annual conference in Vienna (1998) and Madison, Wisconsin, (1999).



icon-saseCSEND organised five panels for the Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in July, 1996. The conference, held in Geneva, drew nearly 700 participants from throughout the world. Speakers and panelists, representing disciplines as diverse as sociology, economics, psychology, political science and anthropology, presented papers and stimulated discussions of conference issues.
Place: Geneva

Special Interest Group on "Quality Management in the In-Service Training Institutions of Public Administration", Paris, 1998.
Place: Paris
Panel on In-Service Training as a Strategic Instrument for Change: International Comparative Examples", Quebec, 1997.
Place: Quebec
International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA).

Seminar on "Telecommunications and Information Technology:Tools for Sustainable Development in Asia (jointly organised with International Telecommunication Union). A programme seminar organised in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of Asian Development Bank,Geneva, 27-29 April, 1997.
Place: Geneva

All Academy Symposium on "SME Development in Economically Depressed Areas: A World-wide Comparative Evaluation of Organisational Goals, Vitality, and Outcomes", Chicago, 1999
Place: Chicago
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