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Raymond Saner, “Financing the localization of the SDGs through PPPs: Need to assess advantages & disadvantages by local governments”; International Conference on the Localization of the SDGs and the Co-Construction of the Means of Implementation, Yonsei University, South Korea ROK, 23-24 February 2019

International Conference on the Localisation of the SDGs and the Co-Construction of the Means of Implementation , Yonsei University, South Korea ROK, 23-24 February 2019

Monday, 22 July 2024 09:20

SDGs & Urban

Saturday, 13 April 2024 13:30

Water Investment Provisions

Investment in Water Provision and Water Systems can be financed as government-paid PPP or as concession-paid PPP. Crucial considerations about how to finance Water Provisions should be the link between PPP, financing, and the SDGs.

Raymond Saner presented the basic concepts during the UNOSD conference in Dakar, Senegal on 25th April 2023 at the International Mayors Forum. The title of his presentation was “Water as a Public Good”

Financing the localization of the SDGs is a crucial issue for cities and local administrations. They need to know how to assess the advantages & disadvantages of different forms of financing by local governments such as through innovative and operational approaches to concession PPPs.

Raymond Saner presented the various options for financing essential Public Service Infrastructures at the Annual Meeting of the UNECE PPP conference in Barcelona in 2023.

Sustainable Success of PPPs are determined by the ability of the PPP operators in engaging a multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnership. A lack of inclusion of civil society and particularly of CSO citizens who are impacted positively or negatively by an infrastructure PPP can result in conflicts which in the worst case can lead to a premature end of a PPP project.

Raymond Saner gave a presentation during the Conference-Debate session at the Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics in Paris which took place during the Paris InfraWeek on 11th October 2023

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