Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)

icon-saseCSEND organised five panels for the Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in July, 1996. The conference, held in Geneva, drew nearly 700 participants from throughout the world. Speakers and panelists, representing disciplines as diverse as sociology, economics, psychology, political science and anthropology, presented papers and stimulated discussions of conference issues.
Place: Geneva

website Sase.org

pdf Preface

pdf PART(I)


Overview of the Society for the Advanced of Socio-Economics (SASE)

Overview of the Centre for Socio-Eco-Economic Development (CSEND)

Call for Papers for the 8th Annual Conference on Socio-Economics, University of Geneva, Switzerland, July 12-14 1996


Presentation if Panels and Abstracts


Select Papers

  • SASE Panel 1: New Public Management: A Socio-Economic Perspective

Markus Spinatsch, Potentials and Limitations of New Public Management in Direct Democratic Systems: The Casa of Switzerland

pdf Markus.pdf

Raymond Saner, Quality Standarts for Public Management in Switzerland 

pdf Raymond.pdf

  • SASE Panel 2: Human Rights: A New Form of Colonialism?

Michael Schaefer, Human Rights: The Obligation to Interfere

pdf Michael.pdf

Urs Ziswiler, The Views of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs after the Vienna World Conference pdf Urs.pdf

William Doise, What is Universal in Human Rights? pdf William.pdf

  • SASE Panel 3: What Kind of Governing Contract?

Andrej Ster, The Ethics and Moral Challenges of Contemporary Public Administration pdf Andrej.pdf

Serge Chappette, The Concept of "Good Governance" and its Implementation in Swiss Development Policy pdf Serge.pdf

Günther Schulz, Governance: What King of Social Contract Between Elites and Citizens? icon Gunther.pdf

  • SASE 4: Cross-Border Cooperation: How to Bridge Boundaries?

Guy Hentsch, CERN's Presence Near Geneva: ACatalyst for Cross-Border Collaboration pdf Guy.pdf

Rainer Fueg, Living at the Border: Opportunity or Obstacl for Economic Development? pdf Rainer.pdf

Nicolas Levrat, Public Actors and the Mechanisms of Transfrontier Cooperation  pdf Nicolas.pdf

  • SASE Panel 5: Free Trade: Is It Universal?

Jagdish Saigal, Is Free Trade Sustainable in a "Global Age" ?

pdf Jagdish.pdf

Silvio Arioi, Globalization: A Driving Force of Trade Liberalization 

pdf Silvio.pdf

Bettina Mindt, Equity and Economics in switzerland 

pdf Bettina.pdf