How can organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the Red Cross become more effective in their vital and laudable mission? How can multinational corporations contribute meaningfully to global issues like climate change, poverty reduction and equitable economic growth? What enables enterprises to grow and develop in challenging settings like the aftermath of a devastating Tsunami?

These questions are all related to humanitarian work psychology and have so far been largely overlooked by global development policy and policy makers. A first roundtable was organised in Geneva to discuss the relevance and needs to form a new area of study, namely, humanitarian work psychology in order to effectively address the needs of the humanitarian workers.


pdf Summary of the Roundtable Discussion

pdf Programme

CSEND organized a side event on Monday, 23rd April titled ‘Linking human capital development with employability organizational and national competitiveness for sustainable growth and social cohesion’, from 12.30-14.30 hrs at Qatar conference site QNNC.

Presentations were made by Prof Raymond Saner, Diplomacy Dialogue, Geneva, Mrs Shaza Khalil and Mr. Ganim Al-Naimi, both from Qatar Foundation, Prof Lichia Saner Yiu, CSEND and Dr. Magdi Faharat, UN-ECA who also acted as discussant.

Seminar during the WTO Ministerial Conference (MC-8) of 15-17 December 2011). CSEND organised a side event focusing on the analysis of policy coherence of assistance instruments and policies made available to LDCsin to improve their service export sector. A case example from the tourism sector was used to illustrate existing policy fragmentation and lack of complementarity amongst key development instruments, i.e., DTIS, AM, PRSP etc. The Analysis was based on an in-depth study of 14 LDCs published in 2011.

Monday, 30 May 2011 15:39

Summary of AoM meeting 2010

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Summary of AoM meeting 2010 Montréal/Canada, 9TH August, 2010 (Session 706)

pdf Article

csend Forum8th of December 2008The CSEND Dialogue Forum held a session on the 8th of December 2008 on the topic of "The role of participatory approaches in civic change processes" presented by Christine Ziegler, an expert for participatory processes.

Place: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

20081020-dialogueforum-India v1The Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) is pleased to invite you to a CSEND Dialogue Forum session on the topic of Creating Sustainable Decent Work Conditions for the Informal Sector workers in India presented by Mr Solomon on the 20th of October 2008.


Place: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

20081016-dialogueforum-CaribbeanThe Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) is pleased to invite you to a CSEND Dialogue Forum session on the topic of Implementing Sustainable HeritageTourism in the Caribbean presented by Dr. Keith Nurse on the 6th of October 2008.

Place: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

20080723-icon-DialogueForumCSEND is pleased to present Dr. Aboubakr Abdeen Badawi as the speaker at the CSEND Dialogue Forum. The forum is entitled “Career Guidance, Migration, Labor Markets’ Efficiency, Quality of Training and Democracy: Is There a Link?” and is scheduled for the 23rd of July, 2008.

Place: Uni-Mail, Room M R170, Geneva

20080519-thirdDialogueForumThird edition of CSEND Dialogue Forum on the topic of "Beauty, Art, Nature and Chaos" presented by Prof. John Briggs, on the 19th of May 2008, at University of Geneva, Uni Mail.

Place: Uni-Mail, Room M S030, Geneva

20071015-seconddialogueForumSecond edition of CSEND Dialogue Forum on the topic of "The Arts as Inspiration for Innovative Social Change" presented by Prof. Pierre Guillet de Monthoux on the 15th of October 2007, University of Geneva, Uni Mail.

Place: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

20070913-FirstDialogueForumAnnouncing the first CSEND Dialogue Forum on the topic of "Social entrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihood for the Poor" with a case example from Maya Organic in India. 13 Septembre 2007

Place: Uni Mail, University of Geneva, Room 1130

Benchmarking conference on "Best Management Practices of In-Service Training Functions" for Swiss and Chinese officials, and executives of state-owned Chinese enterprises, Geneva, 1996.

Place: Geneva

Since 1997, CSEND is also responsible for one of the research networks of SASE, "Development, Social Change and Governance", and organised panels for the annual conference in Vienna (1998) and Madison, Wisconsin, (1999).



icon-saseCSEND organised five panels for the Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in July, 1996. The conference, held in Geneva, drew nearly 700 participants from throughout the world. Speakers and panelists, representing disciplines as diverse as sociology, economics, psychology, political science and anthropology, presented papers and stimulated discussions of conference issues.
Place: Geneva

Special Interest Group on "Quality Management in the In-Service Training Institutions of Public Administration", Paris, 1998.
Place: Paris
Panel on In-Service Training as a Strategic Instrument for Change: International Comparative Examples", Quebec, 1997.
Place: Quebec
International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA).

Seminar on "Telecommunications and Information Technology:Tools for Sustainable Development in Asia (jointly organised with International Telecommunication Union). A programme seminar organised in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of Asian Development Bank,Geneva, 27-29 April, 1997.
Place: Geneva

All Academy Symposium on "SME Development in Economically Depressed Areas: A World-wide Comparative Evaluation of Organisational Goals, Vitality, and Outcomes", Chicago, 1999
Place: Chicago
Showcase Symposium on "Cross-Border Transfer of Management Knowledge for Large System Change", Chicago, 1999.
Place: Chicago
Multi-divisional Symposium on "Management and Organisation Development Across Borders: The Use of Technology Based Learning Processes by Multinational Companies" Chicago, 1999.
Place: Chicago
Multi-divisional Symposium on "European Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research: Methodological Openness and Contextual Differences", San Diego, 1998.
Place: San Diego
Saturday, 07 November 2009 09:38

Micro-Enterprise and Micro-Finance

Written by
Symposium on Cross-National Views on Micro-Enterprise and Micro-Finance, San Diego, 1998.
Place: San Diego
Caucus on "Action Learning with Virtual Transnational Teams: Management Training in Asia", San Diego, 1998.
Place: San Diego
Caucus on "Conducting Change Projects in the United Nations and Related Intergovernmental Organisations: How to Deal with Porous Boundaries?", Boston, 1997.
Place: Boston
Caucus on "Information Technology & National Competitiveness in Developing Countries", Boston, 1997.
Place: Boston

International Seminar on Governance Policy of Tertiary Education Development, hosted by the Ministry of Education, China.

Place: Beijing and Guiyang, China

CSEND made a presentation entitled "Designing OD Interventions based on the use of Blended Learning for MNCs" at the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities' (EADTU), 20th Anniversary Conference in November 2007 hosted by the Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal
Place: Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal

pdf EADTU Conference Programme

CSEND sponsored a side event : Scaling Up Energy Efficiency under the CDM - Do We Need a "Plan B" ? at 2007 COP 13 of the UNFCCC .
Place: Bali, Indonesia

Presentation Agenda/Speakers Presentation

International Search Conference on Governance, Financing and Quality Assurance of Higher Education in China and Switzerland 17th - 18th April 2007 in Zurich, Switzerland, hosted by ETH Zurich
Place: Zurich, Switzerland

Learning technologies for Institution Building and Government Learning, 26 October, 2006
Place: Ljubljana
pdf Article

ISO standards come to the aid of HRD, 6 July, 2006
Place: New Delhi, India
pdf Article

Multi-stakeholder Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities, MPA Sciences Po, 22 March 2006
Place: Paris, France

Decent Work, Poverty Reduction and PRSPs, Thematic Review and Cross-country Experiences, ILO Staff Seminar, Turin, 16-19 September, 2003
Place: Turin, Italy

Pursuing the Kyoto Protocol: International Cooperation in Global Climate Changes, AOM, Denver 2002
Place: Denver
pdf Article

An All Academy symposium at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Washington DC in 2001
Place: Washington DC

Geneva 2000 Forum for the World Summit for Social Development, 22-30 June 2000, Geneva
Place: Geneva


Chaos Theory and the Arts in the Context of Social, Economic and Organisational Development
18-21 March, 2000, Pari, Italy
Place: Pari, Italy