A UN Library organised by the United Nations Office Geneva in collaboration with CSEND on Wednesday 15 June 2017. This Library event aims to debate the philosophical, economic, social, and pedagogical aspect of education in the context of achieving SDG Goal 4, “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.
Setting the Scene by Raymond Saner, DiplomacyDialogue, CSEND
SDGs and Agenda 2030 by Joost Monk, NORRAG
International Cooperation on TVSD by Michel Carton
Neoliberalism and Education: a book presentation by Sacha Varin
Book Leaflet on “Neoliberalism and Education”
Text of presentation
Reflections on the SDG Implementation as A Holistic Endeavour – SDC’s Contribution by Sabina Handschin, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Cognitive Capacity to Adapt and Reinvent by Lichia Yiu, CSEND