1st Introductory Workshop on “Reconstructing the Social Fabric of Communities after War Trauma”

25 June 2012

1st Introductory Workshop on “Reconstructing the Social Fabric of Communities after War Trauma”

Humanitarian workers are confronted with systemic challenges when helping post-traumatic communities reconnect and rebuild. Specific skills and knowledge are needed to provide social reconstruction of the community and healing of collective and individual traumas. At the same time, support is also needed for the helping professionals who are often exposed to the danger of burn-out. “Sense making” is an important element in dealing with this occupational stress.

This one-day workshop aims at introducing key social science theories and techniques in reconstructing post-traumatic communities while lending support to the “helpers” who are pressed to intervene in uncertain territory with limited authority and leverage.


Learning Outcome and Benefits
Attending in this workshop, participants will be able to,

  • acquire a understanding of the complex dynamics which Characterise humanitarian work and assess how the concepts presented during the workshop can be fruitfuly applied to their own work .
  • become familiar with work tools which are part of emotional intelligence and supportive of artistic expressions of human experience that can help transcend barriers to human interaction and communication.
  • develop further their own working models of effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian work in situations of community development in post-conflict situations.

Brochure and application form pdf here

pdf1st Introductory Workshop Minutes - CSEND Technical Notes

A nominal fee of EUR 395/CHF 475 is charged to cover lunch, coffee breaks and administrative fees (click on Brochure for more payment information). All other expenses are to be covered by the participants such as accommodation in Geneva and travel to and from Switzerland. The CSEND staff will assist in making reservations for accommodation if so required.

Language Requirement
The workshop will be held in English. No interpretation will be provided.

Venue: World Council of Churches, Salle 4.

For any questions, please contact Mr. Mario Filadoro