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Das Ziel dieses Artikels besteht darin darzulegen, wie die Action-Learning-and Action-Research-Methoden innerhalb eines New-Public-Management-Reform-Projektes eingesetzt werden konnen, and aufzuzeigen, wie dadurch der Transfer von New-Management-Know-how an die Kundenorganisation sichergestellt werden kann .
Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “Institutioneller Aufbauprozess der Zentralverwaltung Sloweniens Mittels Action Learning und Action Research“. Information Internationalen Treuhand AG, Nr. 103, Basel, April, 1998.
“Compendium of Pilot Projects for Improving Working Procedures in the Slovene Public Administration"
Weiterbildung: Kommunikation, Information und Einbezug der Anspruchsgruppen in der schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung“, (Interface Management of In-Service Training of Switzerland’s Public Administration) (in German), Paul Haupt Verlag, Berne, 1997.
Cover Page and Table of Contents
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Crevoisier, J.; "Interview avec M. Raymond Saner - Pour réinventer la Suisse, allons à Singapour". La Suisse est-elle soluble dans l’Europe. Journal de Genève, Gazette de Lausanne. George Editeur, 1996.
Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “The Need to Mobilize Government Learning in the Republic of Slovenia”. The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 9 (5/6), 1996.
The transition from command economy to market economy, and from Soviet rule to parliamentary democracy, has turned out to be more problematic than had been anticipated by many western policy advisors. By applying Sachs "Shock-Therapy", many government officials of Central and Eastern European Republics (CEER) ...
Saner, R.,Yiu, L.; “Learning from the Asian NIC’s: Policy Options for Central & Eastern European Republics”. Advances in International Comparative Management, Vol. 9: 253-275. 1994.