Place: Boston
Place: Boston
The International Monetary Fund's Influence on Trade Policies of Low-income Countries: A Valid Undertaking? (August 2007).
Author: Saner, R. & Guilherme, R.
Saner, R. "A challenge for international youth development: commitment and values -in search for universal love, friendship and understanding". International Youth Conference, Chinese Taipei, 1989.
Staugard, F. (Ed.). The Role of Women in Health Development, The report of an international workshop held at the Nordic School of Public Health, 5-9 June, 1989.
Author: Saner, R. & Yiu, L.
This chapter provides an overview of the non-formal management education and in-service training and identifies various assessment tools used in Western Europe and Northern America. The chapter ends with an examination of options of safeguarding the value of non-formal management education and management development programmes in the spirit and context of life-long learning. Published in June 2009 in The Sage Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development by Steven J Armstrong and Cynthia V Fukami. Author: Lichia Yiu, Raymond Saner
Human capital is seen as one of the key factor conditions contributing to national competitiveness and economic performance (Porter, 2002). Productivity performance of OECD countries tends to correspond to the skill levels of the workforce in specific countries. Hence, governments increasingly view human capital formation, both quantity and quality of workforce, as one of the key levers in ensuring sustained productivity gains and standard of living.
Author: Yiu, L., Saner, R.
Saner, Raymond, Yiu Lichia, “ Renforcer la corrélation entre formation et performance”, in Persorama, Nr. 4, 2006, pp. 44-46
Saner, R. "The Need for Quality Assurance Systems of Training and Education in China to ensure Competitiveness and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development". Technoeconomics & Management Research 1. Beijing, 2005.