CSEND is partner of OECD-PCSD
The PCSD Partnership aims to support governments and stakeholders to strengthen their capacities for enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development, as called for by SDG target 17.14. It also includes an analysis of nine OECD countries’ voluntary national reviews, as presented at the 2016 High-Level Political Forum of the United Nations.
CSEND’s PCSD Deliverables are:
- Support multistakeholder dialogues between state and non-state actors (business and civil society) and international organisation through New Diplomacy method and concepts, recognising the need to better manage the multi-stakeholder interfaces in order to strengthen policy coherence required for successful SDG implementation.
- Through New Diplomacies, support training and capacity building through setting up of new mechanisms for information sharing and for developing collaborative relations amongst the various stakeholders.
- Support the development of Standardised Operating Procedures (SOP) and quality standards to ensure successful scaling up for system transformation necessary in achieving SDGs. Compliance to a set of SOPs at different administrative levels and of different sectors requires transparency, broad based participation, and consensus making. New diplomacy needs to be deployed to establish the groundwork with key stakeholder groups within the government and outside.