Conference: Chaos Theory and the Arts in the Context of Social, Economic and Organizational Development sponsored and co-organised by CSEND (Centre for
Socio-EcoNomic Development, Geneva), March 18-21, 2001; John Briggs, pp. 26-29, Pari-Perspectives 2020
F. Duconseille & R. Saner (2020), “ Creative Placemaking for Inclusive Urban Landscapes”
Final Version available at The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Routledge Publisher
This paper contributes to the understanding how urban areas could be made more inclusive and sustainable and support the planning of inclusive human settlements. The main research question of this article was how to stimulate successful placemaking in urban landscapes for social integration in open urban spaces through the use of creative and artistic activities of mixed groups of artists.
The authors describe and discuss the evolution of urban development from being a physical infrastructure development determined by urban planners to a reclaiming of public space through spacemaking which is a social re-appropriation of urban space by citizens residing in the urban spaces.
Different stakeholder groups meet and exchange at urban places and co-create urban scenarios and scenographies by negotiating the urban landscapes through urban place- making projects
CSEND organised a symposium in Seoul on 11th November 2014 under the auspices of the Swiss Embassy in Korea and the DAW International of ETH Zurich at the Museum of Art, Seoul National University; 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul. The title of the CSEND symposium was “Entrepreneurial Undertaking and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future”. Subsequent to the symposium, the DAW team conducted interviews with several of the DAW organisers including Prof Raymond Saner, Director at CSEND see:
Palimpsest Multiplex is a performative installation dedicated to provide a new perception of the public space and to raise awareness of how meaning (particularly in the arts) is constructed through interaction and communication. It shows the spectators that everyday life is a multilayered construct.
The concept of Palimpsest Multiplex is based on Raymond Saner's idea of a "Multiplex Palimpsest". It was coined during fruitful discussions between the concept developer and artists and art theoreticians who helped further develop the idea. It is a performance concept which provides an experimental space allowing the public to experience art in a novel manner.
While social media has generated a lot of new ideas, e.g. museum 2.0 (use of face book, twitter) or museum 3.0 (global participation via social media of real or virtual exhibitions), the downside of this use of social media is that artist and spectator might be further removed from each other than before thereby further reinforcing "aboutness" of art rather than providing contact and dialogue between artists and spectator.
The enlarged concept of Palimpsest Multiplex was developed by Raymond Saner in cooperation with Luise Kloos, Christoph Schön,
Seraina Müller, François Duconseille and Monica Dematté.
An interactive experiential experiment to engage the art spectators in an aesthetic exchange while going through an art event. A art event conceptualised by Raymond Saner (2005)
Details for the concept design, click here
"Raymond Saner made an comparative analysis of the carnival culture in Trinidad and Basle. Both carnival festivities achieve significant economic and cultural performance and share common cultural roots." Article was originally published in Baslerzeitung in German on 12th March 2011.