CSEND conducts research on issues of public interest. The results of this ongoing research on socio-economic topics are published in academic and professional journals, in books or as CSEND monographs.
CSEND focuses on the following research areas: Public sector and Governance, Poverty Alleviation, Quality in Higher Education, Environmental Conflict and Mediation, Trade Negotiation, and Diplomacy Dialogue.
Mediterranean Port Cities and their Hinterland: Evolution of Trans-Mediterranean Commerce and Culture Exchange - a challenge for Euro-Mena Cooperation (12 April 2018)
Project Design and Coordinators: Professor Raymond Saner, University of Basle & CSEND Geneva, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Lichia Yiu, Centre for Socio-Economic Development, Geneva, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Port cities are facing today new challenges related to environmental management and the management of territorial conflicts (conflicting uses of coastal space, conflicts for the allocation of coastal resources, etc.). As a consequence, environmental and territorial policies and management arrangements at a variety of scales (local, regional, national and international) are becoming mandatory strategic consideration for port cities and their coastal regions. In particular, for ports, the capability to cooperate at regional scale and that of promoting innovation in technological and organizational issues are as much factors shaping their success as are traditional forces of competition.
Stakeholder Interactions & Dialogues
CSEND designs and facilitates stakeholder interactions on issues of public interests through workshops, forums, action research, conferences and use of role-play simulations.
Negotiating Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Agreements Workshop
Climate Change: Policy and Outreach
Together with its partner and associates, CSEND has been active in the UNFCCC arena in order to promote public awareness, effective participation and socio-eco-logical sustainable solutions to the climate change challenge.
- Economic Potentials of CDM click here
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
- Cop 13, scaling up click here
- Cop 13, Bali, Indonesia, 1-12 December 2007
- Scaling Up Energy Efficiency – “Plan B”? click here
- Summary Report on the side event click here
- COP 14, Poznań, Poland, 1-12 December 2008
- Advancing Energy Efficiency under the Bali Action Plan click here
Round Table “Mutual support for sustainability” 2 nd July 20132 nd July 2013