Parker, J., Yiu, L.; “A Case Example of a Technology-Supported Laboratory Management Development Program”. Compedium on Uses of Distance Learning Technologies in Engineering Education”, 2nd Edition, January, 2000.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “Co-operation between Central/Eastern European Countries and Western Countries in the Field of Training and Consultancy for Administrative Reforms”. 24th International Congress of Administrative Sciences. International Institute of Administrative Sciences. Bruxelles, 1999.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.; "Management Education without Boundaries". Management Education and Development Division Newsletter. Academy of Management MED Division, November, 1999.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.;"Coping with Labour Turnover in Taiwanese Companies, Province of China". American Asian Review, Vol. 11 (1), Spring 1993.

Saner, R., Yiu, L.;“Jing Li Chu Gao-Tsu Oh Quan Li Tse Sheng Tse Tao’t ("Exporting Managers Wining Strategies for Taiwanese (Taiwan, Province of China) Province of China Managers in Europe"). Management Magazine, Chinese Taipei, Vol. 184, October, 1989.

Saner, R., & Yiu, L. 1988. Technological Dependence from Foreign Countries is Dangerous Active Licence Strategy - A Pattern for Switzerland? The Japanese Journal of Strategic Management, 13 (1): 25 -27.

“How could change efforts be supported by Chaos and Complexity Theory?” Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu, CSEND Geneva, 12th February 2001

Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “International Cooperation for Social Development: Practitioners’ Reports & Critical Reflections”. Final Report Geneva 2000 Forum- the Next Step in Social Development. Geneva. June, 2000.

Conference Proceedings on "Chaos Theory and the Arts in the Context of Social, Economic and Organisational Development. 18-21 March, 2000; Pari Center, Pari, Italy

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Die Übergabefeiern vom 1. Juli 1997 sind bereits Geschichte, und die Hongkonger fragen sich ebenso wie die ganze Welt, ob die rasche Aufhebung der in der letzten Phase der Kolonialzeit erlassenen Gesetze durch die neuen Gesetzgeber bereits den Anfang vom Ende der Idee »ein Land − zwei Systeme« einläutet.

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