Quality Training and Quality Human Resources: Key Factors of Competitiveness at National and Enterprise Level First International Forum on Human Resource Management

20220418 pub

SENAC/ABNT Sao Paolo, 20th April, 2001

Author: Raymond Saner

This article sets out to provide an overview of the field of national competitiveness studies and its relation to high quality human resources and correspondingly to high quality education and training. In particular, the author’s goal here is to develop the reasons why countries increasingly need well trained and motivated human resources. Drawing on Michael Porter’s pioneering work on national competitiveness and Christophe Koellreuter’s application studies on regional competitiveness , the author highlights the importance of high quality human resources in general and of high quality education and training in particular. In conclusion, suggestions are made to establish a quality assurance systems of education and training based on the newly developed ISO 10015 Standard in order to guarantee high quality levels of learning necessary for sustainable economic development and successful enterprise performance.
