Globalization exerts powerful pressures on our national government and public administrations. Most distinctive are the pressures regarding public management effectiveness and the internationalization of the civil service. The former demands that traditional public administrative culture be transformed into a managerial culture, the latter involves increasing alignment of national policies and relations with the private sector according to international standards and practices. Civil servants are pushed by these trends to expand the definition of their role and to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to meet this challenge of globalization.
Saner, R.;"Globalization and its impact on leadership qualification in public administration". International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 67: 649-661, 2001.
Qualifications: Reflections and Responses". Asian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 22 (1), June, 2000.
The goal of this paper is to present the case example of China in its development effort of future leaders within the public sector. This case example will first describe the leadership
model currently in use in China as the basic framework of assessment, selection and development of leaders befitting the tasks requirements of the 21st century. Narrative description will be given regarding the actual practices regarding leadership assessment, selection and development in China.
Whole Article
Das Ziel dieses Artikels besteht darin darzulegen, wie die Action-Learning-and Action-Research-Methoden innerhalb eines New-Public-Management-Reform-Projektes eingesetzt werden konnen, and aufzuzeigen, wie dadurch der Transfer von New-Management-Know-how an die Kundenorganisation sichergestellt werden kann .
Saner, R., Yiu, L.; “Institutioneller Aufbauprozess der Zentralverwaltung Sloweniens Mittels Action Learning und Action Research“. Information Internationalen Treuhand AG, Nr. 103, Basel, April, 1998.
“Compendium of Pilot Projects for Improving Working Procedures in the Slovene Public Administration"
Weiterbildung: Kommunikation, Information und Einbezug der Anspruchsgruppen in der schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung“, (Interface Management of In-Service Training of Switzerland’s Public Administration) (in German), Paul Haupt Verlag, Berne, 1997.
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