Scholars from different academic disciplines have studied conflict and negotiations over the past centuries going back to ancient times2. This holds not only for Western societies but for the world at large. Whether highly developed with codified norms and written rules or nomadic and based on narrative culture, societies tried to make sense of conflict and attempted to develop conflict resolution methods.
Global Economic Governance from the Perspective of a "Small State" - Economic Diplomacy of Switzerland
Published by the Economic Diplomacy Programme, SAIIA, Occasional Paper, No 124, November 2012.
Accessible at Website
How can organizations like the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the Red Cross become more effective in their vital and laudable mission? How can multinational corporations contribute meaningfully to global issues like climate change, poverty reduction and equitable economic growth? What enables enterprises to grow and develop in challenging settings like the aftermath of a devastating Tsunami?
These questions are all related to humanitarian work psychology and have so far been largely overlooked by global development policy and policy makers. A first roundtable was organised in Geneva to discuss the relevance and needs to form a new area of study, namely, humanitarian work psychology in order to effectively address the needs of the humanitarian workers.
This annotated bibliography covers those publications analyzing the link between Culture and International Negotiations. A special focus on WTO and Trade-related Negotiations was adopted while doing the literature selection.
A total of 32 publications available from the public domain were selected. They comprise books, articles in specialized journals and electronic sources. Publications selected and annotated are relevant for researchers interested in conducting further studies on Culture and International Negotiations as well as Culture and Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
NEGOTIATIONS: Contributions by Scholars from Social and
Economic Sciences, Raymond Saner, 2010, Diplomacy Dialogue, CSEND
Summary of AoM meeting 2010 Montréal/Canada, 9TH August, 2010 (Session 706)
Education is a central priority for the State of Santa Catarina. Its policy makers are firmly committed to providing a relevant and efficient education system that responds to the requirements of the global economy and allows the state to be competitive, both nationally and internationally.
This OECD review gives a brief overview of education in Santa Catarina and its development. It presents an analysis of the system from pre-school to tertiary education and lifelong learning, and identifies key directions for policy reform in light of the challenges encountered by officials, communities, enterprises, educators, parents and students. It concludes with a set of key recommendations concerning the structure of the system and its labour market relevance; access and equity; governance and management; research, development and innovation; internationalisation; and financing.
Today's world has gone beyond state-to-state negotiations. While these traditional forms of engagment still exist, the more rapid developments have occurred at the boundary of social and political conflicts. The State's strict jurisdiction over diplomacy as a tool for conflict resolution is being increasingly challenged by economic actors and civil society actors. This new overlapping of convergent and divergent interests between these multiple actors is the focus of the book.