This Global Leadership programme provides senior university students and young professionals with an in-depth briefing and exposure to the global policy debates on issues related to different aspects of sustainability and governance of the global system. It is envisioned that such in-depth briefing and first-hand experiential learning will facilitate the development of a global perspective, cultivate a system thinking mindset and elicit humanitarian interests amongst the participants. All these elements are essential components of global leadership competencies.
This Geneva Global Leadership Study (GGLS) will be of two weeks duration and will take place in Geneva. It will be a complementary learning experience to the international relation studies at university level. GGLS creates synergies between general studies of international relations and topical studies focused on the Geneva-based international community and actors. The programme outlined below is integrated with the use of a “problem-based learning” approach so that participants can go deeper into a specific issue of sustainable development.
The GGLS will be structured in a modular manner, consisting of two components: Common Base and Focal Issues. Focal issues may vary from year to year according to demand.
Programme Brochure:
2018 Edition (Programme and Timetable)