Some Missing Dots

Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu (2023), in Michel Carton & Christine Hofmann (Eds), The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to Socio-Professional Inclusion for Youth and Adults. Norrag and International Labour Organisation. NSI 08: 110-114.

An educational governance system based only on input or output measures is neither satisfactory nor effective. An innovative and adaptive governance system needs to monitor the outcome and impact in order to know whether an education–training–work system has achieved its mission. This chapter proposes a governance infrastructure to guide and coordinate six education–training–work transformations, namely, human capacity and demography; consumption and production; decarbonization and energy; food, biosphere, and water; and smart cities and digital revolution.

Raymond Saner, Lichia Yiu and Philippe Lévy (1999) “Reforma della pubblica amministrazione e qualità: l’esperienza della Svizzera” (Quality Assurance and Public Administrative Reform: New Developments in Switzerland ”.

Azienda Publica, pp 583-595, Italy.

pdf Article

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SENAC/ABNT Sao Paolo, 20th April, 2001

Author: Raymond Saner

This article sets out to provide an overview of the field of national competitiveness studies and its relation to high quality human resources and correspondingly to high quality education and training. In particular, the author’s goal here is to develop the reasons why countries increasingly need well trained and motivated human resources. Drawing on Michael Porter’s pioneering work on national competitiveness and Christophe Koellreuter’s application studies on regional competitiveness , the author highlights the importance of high quality human resources in general and of high quality education and training in particular. In conclusion, suggestions are made to establish a quality assurance systems of education and training based on the newly developed ISO 10015 Standard in order to guarantee high quality levels of learning necessary for sustainable economic development and successful enterprise performance.

Information pertaining to Negotiation Theory and Practice, Diplomacy and State versus Non-State Actor relations can be found on this website: and on the website :

Raymond Saner “Differences between Mediation and Negotiation”
(original in German: Abgrenzung zwischen Mediation und Verhandlung)

Published in “perspektive mediation – 2005/ 3”

Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu

The purpose of this paper was to assess how far Jamaica has come regarding women economic empowerment, female entrepreneurship and its development policies in favour of women entrepreneurship development. The study thus provides a rare glimpse of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Jamaica.

While global policy has been promoting women empowerment through entrepreneurial development, little is known on the actual outcome of such human capital investment strategy and the critical vectors that contribute to such outcome. This scarcity of knowledge is also applicable to Jamaica.

This paper attempts to contribute to women entrepreneurship research by reaching beyond the output-oriented perspective of various skill development programmes and attempts to link policy choice with overall macro results of entrepreneurship development in general and women entrepreneurship development in specific.

This thematic issue provides analysis of case examples of negotiation processes of strategic alliances. Negotiation theory is applied to concrete M&A as negotiations as well as to other forms of negotiations of strategic alliances, for instance between governments, between private sector companies and cross-sectoral alliance negotiations between private sector actors and other actors such as governments. The chapters consist of the following topics:

Business diplomacy and international strategic alliances
Raymond Saner
Applying a trust lens to the study of international strategic alliance negotiations
Michael Jeive
The Lafarge-Holcim merger negotiations
Eva-Maria Knittel; Juan David Berdugo; Kamontip Cheevavichawalkul; Marya Imbach

EJIM is a leading journal with European and global perspectives, devoted to advancing international management research, practice and policy. Papers deal with regional, international or comparative issues affecting management scholars and practitioners. EJIM attempts to understand why and how firms manage the movement of people, information, money and products in the context of differing political, economic, social, ecological, competitive and technological environments. It seeks conceptual, theoretical, methodological, empirical, qualitative and review papers advancing the field of international business and management.



European Journal of International Management
Volume 13, No. 5, 2019, pp 581-709.

Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu discuss a large system transformation project they designed and implemented in Slovenia at the start of its independence in the early 1990s. Post-mortem insights are useful for practitioners who embark on similarly broad transformation processes. Design issues are discussed such as structuring the pre-contracting phase to guarantee inclusive stakeholder representation and participation throughout the transformation process and how intervention design needs to allow for experimentation and multi-stakeholder alliance building. Application of action research and action learning in a risk-averse environment typical of central governments helped create a sense of ownership, control, and collective accountability in the partner country.

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